Tuesday, March 14, 2017

How Blogging About Weight Loss Can Inspire You to Succeed at Your Diet


My weight problems started a few years back and despite the efforts to undergo every possible program - it all seem to go in vain. I came across an article one day suggesting that a weight loss journal can be of help to my cause, so I gave it a try. Blogging is a fad these days anyway.

I considered the idea because nothing is at stake. I might as well give it a try especially since I'm having a hard finding the extra push I need to get things done and shed the pounds I have to get rid off. In fact, the only thing I might ever regret is that I have to give up the couch potato life of being in front of the TV because I need to work on my blog.

What I like about blogging is that it plays a role in my weight loss efforts by helping me keep track of my workout and diet regimen. It also makes me be sincere to my cause because I have to write down all that's happening - even if that includes confessing that I went binging on junk food.

Strangely enough, my weight loss blog made me feel in-charge of my actions. Because I know that all eyes are on me, I have to be cautious so I will not disappoint the people around me. Little by little, I was able to drop a few pounds and my blog serves as my documentation.

Suddenly, things begin to fall into place, thanks to my improved habits in dieting and working out. It may have been two months before the changes start to occur, but noticeable decrease of my waistline is sure worth the wait.

I give the credit to my blog for such achievement. Furthermore, I feel happy that there are people who actually read my thoughts - they are even there to back me up on my goal to lose weight.

Blogging though has another thing to offer. During my second month as a blogger, I began earning money from the blog entries that I write. Isn't it amazing to have a source of extra income?

So not only did I lose weight with a blog, but I was making another $20 per month from talking about how to lose weight and writing reviews on different foods and diets I was trying to help me lose weight fast.

Besides the fact that I'm doing wonders to my health because of my blog, I receive as much as $20 on a monthly basis for putting my thoughts into articles such as writing about weight loss methods that I've tried and making diet food reviews according to my experience on them.


Source by Laura Rosewall

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