Wednesday, March 8, 2017

How to Get Over Someone You Love - Proven Methods to Help End Your Pain and Suffering


Figuring out how to get over someone you love can be one of the most difficult things that any of us will ever have to do. The pain of loss can be very intense and finding the answers can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. You need to know that it will take a lot of time and some days will be harder than others. If you have been with someone for a long period of time, their absence can make you feel like a part of you is missing, like you just had your heart ripped right out of your chest. But once you discover how to get over someone you love the pain in your heart will lessen and you sill start feeling more like your old self again.

Sometimes I wish I could just smack the idiot that came up with the phrase "Time heals all wounds". The thing is the person that said that is right. You may not want to hear this but, time is the exact remedy needed for this wound. That being said, it does not mean that you have to like it. I know that I never did. There are ways for you to take an active approach in helping time heal you a little faster though.

Start by ditching the photos. You do not need the constant visual reminder of happy times spent with your ex drawing your attention at every turn. Throw away or put in storage any of their belongings that they have left behind. You may also want to consider trying to stay away from some of the places that the two of you used to hang out at. You will never find out how to get over someone you love if you are constantly running into them.

Do not be afraid to use your friends as a sounding board. In most cases they have been through a painful break up too. Spend as much time with them as you can. When you are having a good time with friends, your mind will be occupied and you will not be thinking about your ex as much. Just because you are trying to figure out how to get over someone you love does not mean that you should stop living your life.


Source by Lynn Lawrence

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