Tuesday, March 14, 2017

How To Lose Weight Fast For Wedding - And Be A Beautiful Bride


Getting your body down to the right weight to fit into that fairytale princess dress you've had your eye on since you were like seven years old can seem hard to do, especially when you've got so many things to think about and organize.

The flowers, the invitations, the caterers, the car, the venue, yadda yadda yadda ... it all adds up.

What makes matters worse is you've been sticking to that low-fat, low-carb, low-taste diet your friend recommended to you, but you still need to lose like a stone to get into the dream dress!

This is probably the most important day of your life ... all your family and friends will be there ... you want to look your best, right?

So the question still remains, how can I lose weight fast for my wedding?

Calorie Shifting

A great technique to help you lose weight fast for your wedding is called "Calorie Shifting" - this is where you continually rotate or "shift" the groups of foods you eat each day.

You see most diets usually fail because they rely on you consuming significantly less calories. This works over the first few days, but after that many people find their weight just tends to stay where it is. The reason behind this is that by significantly reducing your calorie intake your body begins to go into starvation mode, and slows down your metabolism accordingly - thereby slowing down the rate at which you burn fat.

You're basically starving yourself and since your body recognizes this as dangerous it tries its best to stop it from happening. Shifting calories prevents this by constantly changing your eating pattern and thus keeping your metabolism working at a higher rate and consistently burning fat over time. It should also prevent you from putting the weight straight back on - so you can really go and enjoy yourself on your honeymoon and not be worried about throwing away all your hard work! ;)

By helping you to consistently lose weight for your wedding this diet plan will prevent the usual yo-yoing up and down of most diet plans which can really play havoc with your dress fittings.

If followed correctly this technique can help you get rid of as much as 9lbs in 11 days, but as always it's best to plan for less. Most people would like to lose a stone or so before their wedding, so this plan will be ideal.

It really depends on how much time you've got left until the wedding. If it's like next week then you'll probably only be able to lose a couple of pounds, if it's six months away you'll be able to choose your dress size! Either way, every pound that you lose will be a step closer to your fairytale, I know you'll be beautiful.


Source by Julia Strachan

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