Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Performance Review Examples - Technical Support Representatives


There are a ton of performance review examples on the Web that you can learn from or even copy verbatim to your own review if luck would have it that you need exactly that sort of review. But most of them won't go any further than that and any deeper than explaining through examples. So here's a sort of short outlined performance review that has some explanations as to why items were included. This is for a technical support representative.

Troubleshooting knowledge and skills: 4 of 5. Employee consistently displays adept know-how and troubleshooting expertise. Employee knows several different fixes to varied issues. Requires only further internal training for advanced troubleshooting.' Now this part directly relates to the employees skill in his work. Every performance review should have this.

Communication and customer service aptitude: 3 of 5. Employee gets carried away with troubleshooting and sometimes cuts off customers when they speak or neglects their opinion of the issue because he knows what it's really about. Aside from that, employee is usually courteous and well-mannered towards many different customers.' Another skill that directly affects his work. Since his line of work always deals with customers, this area is included.

Teamwork and workplace behavior: 4 of 5. Employee can work well alone or under supervision or within a team. His good natured personality and affable character also help team morale and teamwork, though most of the time he doesn't volunteer for anything and needs to be called out due to a lack of initiative.' Personal traits and characteristics can affect individual output and teamwork much more than you can imagine, so leave a spot for this area in your performance review.


Source by Rebecca Kruger

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