Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The Power of Trust- Tools for Life

Trusting ourselves and others and in fact trusting the Universe. How does this all work out? Let us see, when we trust ourselves then we are connected to the Universe within, therefore connected to the Universe without. When we are connected to the Universe without, then in fact we are trusting of others.

When we trust the Universe, then In fact we are trusting of ourselves. Therefore, we are trusting of others. When we trust others, then in fact we are connected to the Universe, therefore trusting of ourselves.

A lot to take in.

Take a deep cleansing breath in and simply let go of any confusion that may have risen up.

Trust is a big issue for a lot of us. I presume this is true.

We may have been in one or more situations where we may have been tested to Trust or not.

What have we chosen? To Trust or Not? Have we Trusted and yet still failed? Have we not Trusted and wished that we had? Has it been a very hard decision to make and we simply chose not to deal with the issue or situation?

What to do in these situations?

The Universe states that there is Strength, Faith and a connection to the Source when one uses The Power of Trust.

Some may feel as if they are setting themselves up for failure because of past experiences or may have been very disappointed and may feel that they have to surrender in order to Trust. However, quite honestly Trusting situations, issues and people is actually an Empowering act on our part.

If something does not work out, perhaps it is not intended to take place for our highest good.

Have you heard "In God We Trust?"

We are made in the image of God. We are an emanation of God. We are a spark of God. Therefore let us Trust in ourselves and do so Happily and with Strength and Faith.

Let us do so for we are worthy and deserving of living a Trusting life in everyway.
Please feel free to share these Insights with Trust to Create Oneness. I Joyfully Love you for we are one. May the love and light of God and the Universe surround, protect and heal you, your loved ones and the planet earth. Love and Life to all.

With Gratitude and Respect Michelle Morovaty With God All Things Are Possible

© Copyright 2007 Spirituality Inside and Out LLC. All rights reserved.

Source by Michelle Morovaty

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