Tuesday, March 7, 2017

YouTube Copyright Basics

Youtube copyright. learn the basic lessons about YouTube Copyright.
Can I upload a copyrighted video to YouTube and monetize it? everyone wants to know. ..
YouTube copyright policy. Everything you need to know!
Have you ever wondered how YouTube tracks copyright violations via their content ID Policy? When do you get a copyright strike and what happens to your video when you use footage that someone else owns the copyright to?

YouTube copyright and music copyright:
Whiteboard Animation Video for Video Marketing & Content Creation

Can I Upload a Copyrighted Video to YouTube Copyright?
How do people monetize copyrighted material on YouTube.

A lot of us have been observing a ton of copyrighted material floating on youtube.

Having an astronomical number of views.

What's worse is that, they are even monetised.

And growing subscribers everyday.

We're going to explore everything there is to know about YouTube copyright.

And how it works?

We will also explore YouTube fair use policies.

And how you can use copyrighted music in your videos.

And also monetize them.

When you upload original content you are protected by YouTube Copyright.

YouTube has a copyright take-down policy to protect you.

When a YouTube video is reuploaded, even if it's a small part of another video.

YouTube informs the copyright owner.

The copyright owner then has an option to Submit a copyright infringement notice to the uploader.

The uploader can then Submit a counter notification.

or even Dispute a content ID claim.

If mistaken, the copyright owner has an option to Retract a claim of copyright infringement too.

Sometimes the footage may fall under Fair use:

Whether the part of the footage is used In a commercial,


or educational video

the rights still belong to the copyright owner.

What is fair use?

There are four pillars to fair use.

1.Transformative: Does the video Create new meaning to the copyrighted material?

2. Nature of the copyrighted work. Factual footage is deemed more fair use than fictional footage.

3. Amount of substantiality : typically small portions of an entire video are more fair use than large or complete portions of a video.

But sometimes the small part can be the heart of the entire video too and might disqualify the fair use claim...

4. The Effects upon potential market.

Will using the footage cause a loss to the copyright owners profit?

Depending on the copyright owners policy.

some owners prevent certain material from being available or duplicated on youtube.

by a YouTube take down policy.

Others allow the video to remain live,

while directing the advertising revenue to the copyright owners of the content.

With the YouTube Take down policy, the copyright owner has the right

to Blocking a video,

muting a video

or blocking the video on certain platforms.

When takedown happens the uploader of the copyrighted material receives a content ID strike.

If you receive three copyright strikes your channel will be terminated,

all your videos will be removed,

you won't be able to create new accounts.

If your live stream is removed for copyright,

your live stream will be suspended for 90 days.

The good news is that you can use copyrighted music from the YouTube library

and filter for tracks that can be monetized.

You can also find creative commons and stock footage from the youtube creator studio.

That's all that there is to know about YouTube copyright.

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