Thursday, April 20, 2017

Generation Z and Sexuality


What is it with Generation Z and their sexuality? They seem to be growing up much quicker than the Gen Y (whom I'm part of). But I guess our parents would have said the same about us! I was reading an article in today's paper that got me thinking about it in addition to conversations that I've had with adolescents in my practice. So what's changed?

Age They Become Sexually Active

According to the statistics (in Australia)...

(1) 50% of 16-year olds are sexually active, similar levels to 10-years ago

(2) 24% of girls by 15-years are sexually active down from 5% 10-years ago.

Social Norms and Coolness Factor

It appears now that If you want to be part of the cool group of kids at school you need to be having sex and dressing in an 'adult way'. And often the girls are not having sex with people their own age but often with boys who are a number of years older than them. Correct me if I'm wrong but this is illegal (carnal knowledge). And often the boys are asking them how old they are (before having sex with them). When they find out that they are not 18, they end up 'bailing on them', adding to teenage girl's insecurities and shattering their confidence in the process.

And as I look at some of the photos in the paper today, all that I see are young girls in 'grown ups' clothing. Similar to what it would have been like as children playing dress up in their mothers' or older sister's clothes.

Anti-Social Behaviour

Associated with having sex from a younger age are a number of other behaviours required to be part of the cool kids.

(1) Alcohol consumption

(2) Lying to parents and family

(3) Gossiping and back stabbing

(4) Exposed to dangerous physical environments

(5) STIs

(6) Lowered grades and motivation towards school work

N.B., these are some of the issues that people report in therapy

I believe that this is more of a concern for females than it is for males. And for females at co-educational schools as opposed to females at all-girls schools.

And all this behaviour is done to be part of the cool kids. Ironically most of these 'cool groups' disband once school finishes, often earlier. This is the biggest loss of all. Missing out on the golden opportunity at school to make long lasting 'real' friends.


Source by Mark Korduba

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